Antonio Werli (b. 1980) is a french visual artist. He works also as a literary translator and publisher for two decades in France and Argentina. After ten years in Buenos Aires, he’s now living in Arles, Provence.

Antonio Werli (France, 1980) est artiste visuel. Il est aussi traducteur et éditeur littéraire depuis vingt ans, en France et en Argentine. Après dix années à Buenos Aires, il vit aujourd’hui à Arles.

Antonio Werli (Francia, 1980) es artista visual. Desde hace veinte años se desempeña también como traductor y editor literario en Francia y Argentina. Después de una decada en Buenos Aires, se radicó en Arlés, Provenza.



· Humo en el aire _ Fu:d Gallery (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

· Graphies et Anatomies _ Ex Libro (Strasbourg, France).

· Graphies et Anatomies _ Le Libr’air (Obernai, France).

· Portraits d’écrivains _ Quai des Brumes (Strasbourg, France).


· GALLERY _ Bonta Gallery (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
· Leaf Stage, EthPrague _ KodaDot curation _ Holešovice Market (Prague, Czech Republic)
· Onchain Art Day, Berlin Blockchain Week _ KodaDot curation _ w3.hub (Berlin, Germany)
· Weekly Art Market _ Fakewhale curation (, Metaverse)

· Encuentro _ Bonta Gallery (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
· Chiaroscuro curation + featured artist _ Objkt daily (, Metaverse).

· GENERATIVE _ Fakewhale curation (, Metaverse).

· The Maze _ 4Pixel Art (, Metaverse).

· Tez Art Connect _ Tezos Commons/Victoria West curation _ The NFT Gallery (New York, USA).
· Digital Soup On Digital Art _ Marco Trevisani curation (, Metaverse)

· Away of Being _ Stephen Biernacki curation (, Metaverse).

· CODA #2 _ CODA, Curation Of Digital Art (, Metaverse).

· Calligraphy curation _ Objkt daily (, Metaverse).

· Distorted Realities, Step II _ The Collective (, Metaverse)
· #RIPHEN 2022 _ Fakewhale curation _ Valuart Gallery (Lugano, Switzerland).
· Distorted Realities, Step I _ The Collective (, Metaverse)

· Can’t Touch It! _ 1/1 on Tezos, A Showcase of Rare Art (, Metaverse).

· PHYSICAL _ Fakewhale curation _ Valuart Gallery (Lugano, Switzerland).

· Conjunción, patrimonio expandido _ Regional Museum of Trevelín (Trevelín, Argentina).

· Opening _ Fu:d Gallery (Esquel, Argentina).

· Spring Exhibition _ Heretique 121 Gallery (, Metaverse).

· Seis artistas _ Lili Studio (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

· #viralizaarte, Artistas apoyando artistas _ Viralizá Arte + Quorum Gallery (Buenos Aires, Argentina & Metaverse).

· Los que fui, Henri Michaux _ Eduardo Sívori Museum of Plastic Arts (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

· 10th Arte Libro Festival _ Jesús Otero Museum (Santillana del Mar, Spain), Cámara Bufa Espacio de Arte y Cultural Contemporánea (Toledo, Spain), La Bottega dell’Arte gallery (Burgos, Spain), Quinto Cartile gallery (Catania, Italy).

· Máquinas parlantes _ Escalería Gallery + Impresos Gráficos (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

· Overol tipográfico, 8th Biennale Tipos Latinos _ Overol Studio-Gallery (Vicente López, Argentina).

· Hotlist Latin American Independent Publisher _ International Alliance of Independent Publishers _ Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurt am Main, Germany).

· Jóvenes grabadores _ Panal 361 Gallery (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

· Hotlist Latin American Independent Publisher _ International Alliance of Independent Publishers _ Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurt am Main, Germany).

· Darbraleph virtual gallery (, Metaverse).

· Journées d’octobre Salon (Benfeld, France).

· Akap’art _ Marinelli Gallery (Strasbourg, France).

· Corps Accord _ School of Medicine (Strasbourg, France).

· Journées d’octobre Salon (Benfeld, France).

· Journées d’octobre Salon (Benfeld, France).

book fairs & art book fairs

Since 2009, exhibitor and presence as an indenpendant literary and art publisher (with Insula Editora and Cyclocosmia) in more than fifty book fairs and art book fairs in Europe and South America.



Written and directed by Pablo Pivetta & Nicolás Rodríguez Fuchs. Produced by Nicolás Munzel Camaño, Facundo Escudero Salinas & Agustina Eyzaguirre. Cast: Ramón Diaz, Osvaldo Dorelle, Osvaldo Fernández, Raúl Figueroa, Sol Gil, Oscár Montiel, Ernesto Bebe Orellano, Leandro Orellano, Vicente Velardo, Antonio Werli. Argentina, 2019, 68 mn.

”Facing the deterioration of the machines and the advance of new technologies, the printing presses are closing their workshops. At the same time, a group of young people rediscovers the greatest technical innovation in the history of the written word: the typesetting printing. But it will be difficult for them to learn the trade since it has always been passed down from master to apprentice – and they are outsiders. The last graphic mechanic of the country will be in charge of teaching them so that this ancient technique can withstand the passage of time.”

Art publications

Artist books

· Ectoplasmas. Buenos Aires, 2020. (Exhibition catalogue, handmade by the artist, limited edition of 42 copies, 68 p.)
· Le livre des masques. Drawn book, unique copy. (Since 2019, in progress, 540 p.)


· “Fragments du Livre des masques” in La correction n° 2, Le Dernier Télégramme, 2021.
· “Frontispicio” in Nomenclatura y apología del carajo, Francisco Acuña de Figueroa, Insula, 2019.
· “Retrato de Pascal Quignard” in La voz perdida, Pascal Quignard, Insula, 2019.
· “Retrato de Henri Michaux” in El jardín exaltado, Henri Michaux, Insula, 2019.
· “Retratos de G. Apollinaire & J. Maincave” in El cubismo culinario, Guillaume Apollinaire & Jules Maincave, Insula, 2018.
· “Retrato de Victor Segalen” in Ensayo sobre sí mismo, Victor Segalen, Insula, 2017.
· “Retrato d’Alfred Jarry” in El tiempo en el arte, Alfred Jarry, Insula, 2017.
· “Machines” in Les Cahiers Artaud n° 3, Les Cahiers, 2017.
· “Graphies & Blason” in Cyclocosmia n° 1, Minuscule, 2008.
· “Graphies” in Tehura n° 1, Asociación Cultural Iberoamericana, 2008.
· Front covers of six books from “miniatures ” series, Minuscule, 2007-2009.
· “Portrait d’Ubu” in L’Étoile-Absinthe n° 107-108, Société des Amis d’Alfred Jarry, 2006.

graphic design

Since 2007, book design, book covers, logos, handmade binding, printing works and other graphic works and web design for french and argentinian publishing houses Minuscule, Cyclocosmia, Milena París/Extremcontemporáneo, Insula, Le Nouvel Attila/Othello, Heliotropismes, Fric Frac Club, Companía Naviera Ilimitada.

Literary works

fiction / NONFICTION

· Traité de l’érosion. I. La grande mue (proverbes). II. Les petites mues (sagesses). (Prose/poem. In progress, unpublished.)
· “Entrer en matière” in revue, 2013. (Prose.)
· “Journal” in Journal de bord de la Fabrique,, 2013. (Prose.)
· De la passion à un art 1983-2013 : JL Roelly, créateur en haute joallerie, Jean-Louis Roelly publisher, 2013. (31 short stories in association with Julien Schuh.)
· La dernière querelle, “opuscule” series, Minuscule, 2008. (Short story.)
· La goutte, “opuscule” series, Minuscule, 2008. (Short story.)
· Mort et vie d’Armendo Lip, “miniatures” series, Minuscule, 2007. (Short story.)

translation (BOOKS)

· Carlos Díaz Dufoo Jr, Épigrammes, Allia, 2024. (Short proses, spanish > french.)
· Stefano D’Arrigo, Horcynus Orca, Le Nouvel Attila, 2023. (Novel, italien > french, with Monique Baccelli.)
· Hernán Casciari, Je me casse, Orsai, 2020. (Short stories, spanish > french.)
· Leopoldo Lugones, Les forces étranges, Quidam, 2019. (Short stories, spanish > french.)
· Jean-Claude Monod, Foucault, la policía de las conductas, Jusbaires, 2019. (Nonfiction, french > spanish, with Sol Gil.)
· Yves Cusset, Habermas, la esperanza del diálogo, Jusbaires, 2019. (Nonfiction, french > spanish, with Sol Gil.)
· Idania Ortiz Muñoz, Au détour d’un jardin (poèmes bilingues), Jérôme Do Bentzinger, 2018. (Poetry, spanish > french.)
· Rubén del Rincon & Manolo Carot, El boxeador, Le Long Bec, 2018. (Graphic novel, spanish > french.)
· Horacio Quiroga, Les persécutés suivi de Histoire d’un amour trouble, Quidam, 2017. (Two novellas, spanish > french.)
· Miguel Espinosa, Asklépios, R&N, 2016. (Novel, spanish > french.)
· Julieta Quirós, La politique vécue, L’Harmattan, 2016. (Nonfiction, spanish > french.)
· Miguel de Unamuno, L’agonie du christianisme, R&N, 2016. (Nonfiction, spanish > french.)
· Jean-Claude Eslin, Hannah Arendt, en deuda con el mundo, Jusbaires, 2016. (Nonfiction, french > spanish, with Sol Gil.)
· Vanessa Nurock, Rawls, por una democracia justa, Jusbaires, 2015. (Nonfiction, french > spanish, with Sol Gil.)
· Roberto Bolaño, Lâchez-tout, à nouveau – Premier manifeste du mouvement infrarréaliste,, 2014. (Manifesto, spanish > french, with Sol Gil).
· Alberto Laiseca, Aventures d’un romancier atonal, Le Nouvel Attila, 2013. (Novel, spanish > french.)
· Enrique Uribe, Trois comprimés par jour, Jérôme Do Bentzinger, 2012. (Short stories, spanish > french, with Caroline Viard and Marta Boeglin.)

translation (other)

Since 2008, articles, short stories, poems, essays, interviews, subtitles, by authors Roberto Bolaño, Sergi Pámies, Roberto Arlt, George Steiner, Mark Z. Danielewski, Sergio Chejfec, Horacio Castellanos Moya, Rodrigo Fresán, José Lezama Lima, Benito Pelegrin, Oscar Soria Gamarra, Hilda Mundi, Jorge Herralde, Alberto Laiseca, among others.

CRITICISM (publications)

· “Horcynus Orca de Stefano D’Arrigo” in Le Matricule des Anges n° 246, 2023.
· “Insula Editora” (with Sol Gil) in En torno a la Imprenta de Buenos Aires (1940-2020), Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 2021.
· “Préface” in Les forces étranges, Leopoldo Lugones, Quidam, 2019.

· “Postface” in Les persécutés suivi de Histoire d’un amour trouble, Horacio Quiroga, Quidam, 2017.
· “Le détroit mythique de Stefano D’Arrigo. Sur un aspect de la traduction d’Horcynus Orca” in Écritures n° 8. Entre Charybde et Scylla. Art, mythes et société au pays des monstres oubliés, Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2016.
· “Préface” in L’Agonie du christianisme, Miguel de Unamuno, R&N, 2016.

· “Los diarios de Annie Ernaux” in Bajo Belgrano n° 2, 2015.

· “Antonio Werli en pleine mer avec Horcynus Orca” in Association pour la promotion de la traduction littéraire,, 2015.
· “Atelier : la mer mue par les mots” (with Monique Baccelli) in Trentièmes Assises de la Traduction Littéraire, CITL, 2014.
· “Rencontre avec un livre léviathan : Horcynus Orca de Stefano D’Arrigo” (with Monique Baccelli and Benoît Virot) in Trentièmes Assises de la Traduction Littéraire, CITL, 2014.

· “Postface” in Aventures d’un romancier atonal, Alberto Laiseca, Le Nouvel Attila, 2013.
· “A conspiracy of details, on Laslzó Krasznahorkai” (trans. by Louise Rogers Lalaurie) in Music & Literature n° 2, 2013.
· “Sur Le Troisième Reich de Roberto Bolaño” in Page des libraires, Pages, 2010.

· “Bolaño. Une esquisse bibliographique” in Cyclocosmia III : Roberto Bolaño, Minuscule, 2010.
· “Au-delà l’espace transparent. Vision du corpus bolañien” in Cyclocosmia III : Roberto Bolaño, Minuscule, 2010.
· “Figures de José Lezama Lima” in La Revue des revues n° 45, Institut Memoires de l’Édition Contemporaine, 2011.

· “Lezama Lima. Repères chronologiques, bibliographie sélective” in Cyclocosmia II : José Lezama Lima, Minuscule, 2009.
· “Slow Learner : Thomas Pynchon, un portrait de l’invisibilité” in Cyclocosmia I : Thomas Pynchon, Minuscule, 2008.

Around a hundred essays, reviews and interviews published in the literary magazine Fric Frac Club (, 2007-2015.


· Une vie, une œuvre : Roberto Bolaño (radio documentary). Written and directed by Céline du Chéné and Marie-Ange Garrandeau. Produced by France Culture. France, 2010, 59mn. With Robert Amutio, Karim Benmiloud, Javier Cercas, Raphaël Estève, Sergio González Rodríguez and Antonio Werli.
· Literary commentator for Sophie Martin’s program “Coup de coeur des libraires“ on Radio France Bleu Alsace, 2006-2007.

Publishing activities


Cofounder (with Sol Gil), publisher and editor, since 2016. –


Founder and director of Les Lance-Flammes series (latin american literature), 2016-2020. –


Co-director (with Mariette Navarro) of Grands Fonds series (contemporary french literature), 2016-2018. –


Cofounder, publisher and editor, since 2007. –


Cofounder (with Julien Schuh & Julien Frantz), publishing director and managing editor, 2008-2010.


Cofounder (with Julien Schuh & Julien Frantz), publisher and editor, 2006-2011.